Coaching & Therapy For The Music And Entertainment Industries



“Beverly came into my life at a time when I so needed her. I initially thought she would be helping me with my business, but it became quite apparent that my business was doing OK but self-care was where I needed the support. Over a period of weeks, she helped me learn to focus on myself, without feeling like a selfish so and so; gave me focus, and most importantly, stopped me feeling overwhelmed at making changes, by giving me small tasks to do each week. I can absolutely say that I am now much better at taking care of myself and honing out pockets of time just for me. And with that, I’ve also managed to start making those improvements on my business – including landing a very well-paid client who respects what I do. My perception of coaching previously had been that it was something for major business players – and not a freelancing mum like me – and I wasn’t sure what I’d get out of it, but I now know if ever I feel a bit lost, Beverly will definitely be my first port of call.”


“I had been struggling with my relationship for quite a while before I met Beverly. She has been my coach for a year now and I am very pleased with the difference it has made in how I communicate with my partner. In each session we found the main goal, according to what my trouble was and what I wanted to achieve. We focused on the bad communication that made my partner and I clash constantly with each other. She explained to me very basic, but fundamental communication behaviours and how bad communication can affect and damage the relationship, or instead, by communicating in the right way, be the key for equilibrium, for a stable and healthy relation.
Every time, at the end of the session, I felt reassured that I could accomplish what we discussed with confidence, by being aware of what triggers certain behaviours and how to try to bring the conversation to the adult level. 
She is extremely professional, dedicated and confidential. She is empathetic, I feel totally understood by her, at the same time she tries to boost me and encourages me – even during difficult times – with incredible kindness, to help me find strength and peace of mind. I would highly recommend Beverly to anybody that wants to bring their life to a level of healthy happiness and self confidence.”


“Without any doubt, my sessions with Beverly have helped me completely turn around my attitude to work, allowing me to take a long hard look at myself, especially professionally. With her help and guidance, I am reprogramming many aspects of my daily working life, while addressing and eliminating out-dated coping mechanisms that have impacted very negatively on me for decades. This work is already proving beneficial both in my day to day business and family life. Overall, our sessions have massively improved my work-life balance, and although challenging, have been ultimately very rewarding. I would recommend Beverly to anyone who has ever considered Coaching, especially to those who, like me, might have previously considered it to be, as I put it, ‘a bit hippy dippy’. I am looking forward to further ‘maintenance’ sessions with Beverly in the future.”